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Canvas and Library Integrations

This research guide has instructions about various tools that are integrated between the duPont-Ball Library and Stetson's learning management system, Canvas. This guide also features answers to some frequently asked questions by students and faculty.

Streaming Music Databases

Permalinks in DRAM

Permalinks in DRAM are available only at the album level.

DRAM permalinks will always need to be adjusted before posting the URL on course websites. Add the prefix before the permalink to ensure off-campus access.

For more information on permalinks and proxy in general, see Permalinks & Proxy 

Permalink to album:

  1. In album window, RIGHT CLICK the permalink icon
  2. Choose "copy link," "copy link location," or "copy shortcut" from the right-click menu (varies depending upon web browser)
  3. Paste URL into desired document (webpage, PDF, etc.)
  4. Adjust URL for off-campus access by adding to the front of the URL.

Permalink link in DRAM

Permalinks in Music Online

Permalinks in Alexander Street Press (Music Online) are available for individual playlists, whole albums, whole works, and individual tracks. These permalinks can be bookmarked for use later, or they can be copied and pasted into course websites or other documents.

Look for the Embed icon embed icon, and this generates a link that is configured for on or off-campus use.

For an entire album: For a single track:
Music Online get permalink for an entire album Permalink link for a single track

Permalinks in Naxos

Content from Naxos Music Library is able to be linked to and accessed in multiple ways. Collect links to individual tracks, whole albums, or custom playlists. 

  1. In album window, click the paperclip icon in the upper right-hand corner. 
  2. Links appear below the album title, each work, each track. 
  3. Adjust URL (if necessary) to go through proxy server by adding the Stetson proxy prefix.

Finding permalinks in Naxos

Sound Recordings in the Library

The Library has a collection of commercial compact discs and LPs (vinyl), all of which may be checked out.  In addition, there is a collection of Stetson Recitals (beginning in 2000) archived on compact discs and available for in-library use only. The Front Desk has external cd drives you may check out for two hours. LPs may be checked out and the library also has a record player that may be borrowed and used in the library.


CDs.  Ask at the Front Desk. Call numbers begin with CDISC followed by a number.

Stetson Recitals.  Ask at the Front Desk. Call numbers start with the year of the recital performance.

LPs. Located in stacks on first floor after the MT call number section. Call numbers begin with REC followed by a number.  They are shelved in numerical order.