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Canvas and Library Integrations

This research guide has instructions about various tools that are integrated between the duPont-Ball Library and Stetson's learning management system, Canvas. This guide also features answers to some frequently asked questions by students and faculty.

Add Tutorials and Grading Options

Instructions for Creating Niche Academy Interactive Database Assignments

1. Go to Assignments in Canvas

assignment instructions for canvas

2. Create an Assignment and name it. 
3. Set point value
4. Under Submission Type select External Tool

Canvas interface - naming an assignment

5. Click the Find button and search for Niche Academy on the Tools List

external tool pulldown menu

Scroll until you find Niche Academy. Click to select it.

external tool configuration window


6. Choose the category you need. Information Literacy Tutorials are for QEP courses; 

7.  Find the tutorial you want to assign. Click Select.

niche academy select specific tutorial

8. Click Select again.

points to select button

9. Complete other assignment settings, if desired. Click Save & Publish or Save.

points out save and publish or save

Available Information Literacy Tutorials for QEP courses

Fighting Fake News – Ad Hominem Attacks.  Recognize ad hominem attacks and determine their use to identify credible resources and improve communication skills.

Fighting Fake News – Causation vs. Correlation. Differentiate between causation and correlation and explain why understanding causation and correlation is important for analyzing information.

Fighting Fake News – Confirmation Bias. Describe how confirmation bias works. Explain how confirmation bias affects information seeking, evaluation, and sharing. Apply confirmation bias checks.

Fighting Fake News – Lateral Reading. Explain why lateral reading is important for analyzing online information. Apply lateral reading strategically and deliberately.

Fighting Fake News – Straw Man Arguments. Identify and avoid straw man arguments.

Fighting Fake News – The Power of CMD/CTRL F.  Use cmd/ctrl F to quickly search for keywords.

Making Citations Easier. Learn about generating citations and the benefits of a citation manager.

Research Essentials – Authoring Research Questions. Brainstorm research topics, refine the topic, create a research question, develop strong keywords.

Research Essentials – Better Search Techniques. Determine where to start a search. Select the right databases for your needs. Use Boolean operators (AND, OR, and NOT) and truncation to limit or expand a search. Modify and refine your results. Search for sources using Google Books and Google Scholar.

Research Essentials – In-Text Citations. Learn about in-text citations.

Research Essentials – Paraphrasing and Summarizing. Learn how to paraphrase and summarize effectively.

Tutorials for FSEM courses

Avoiding Plagiarism and Citing Sources. After completing this tutorial, you will be able to define the concept of plagiarism, identify examples of plagiarism, and enact strategies for avoiding plagiarism.

Exploring Library Services. This  online scavenger hunt will help you become familiar with the services, resources, and research help provided by the duPont-Ball Library.

Finding Items with OneSearch. This tutorial will introduce students to OneSearch, the library’s discovery tool. Students will learn how OneSearch allows users to search a variety of items including books, articles, journals, and multimedia.  

Identifying Credible Sources. This tutorial will discuss what it means for a source to be credible, how to evaluate a source for credibility, and why you should use credible sources.

Introducing the Research Librarians. After completing this tutorial, students will be able to identify Stetson’s research librarians. Students will be able to articulate the research services provided at the duPont-Ball Library.

Locating, Renewing, and Returning Items. Learn to use OneSearch to find ebooks and articles online, to find books and other items in the library, and how and where to borrow, renew, and return items.