What are Libguides?
A libguide is a web based content management and publishing resource the library uses to create online guides focusing on subject areas, specific courses or assignments, and general topics. These online guides are aimed at helping students find the best resources for an assignment, course, or subject.
Research Guides are a specific type of guide we curate to provide discipline-specific insight into library collections and include guidelines on using databases and other resources.
You can now seamlessly integrate these online resources into Canvas in a variety of ways: As an entire LibGuide, a single page or even a specific content box that's already built on a LibGuide, allowing you to select and integrate library resources in whatever way you choose within your courses.
*Explore our extensive collection of Research Guides* and add a link to your syllabus or Canvas course:
- Research guides by Subject
- Special Topics such as How to Cite, Government Info, Statistics, etc.
- Custom course specific research guides
- Add a single page with multiple links to library resources
- If you're unsure of what is available, browse through our guide listing, noting the guide name, the page name, and/or the box name. Don't see what you're interested in? Make a request for a specific guide by emailing