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PsycINFO Database: How to use it

Information about PsycINFO with links to tutorials


This guide includes links and tips to assist in your search for information and critical studies using the PsycInfo Database. 

Remember, librarians can help you with your research. 

What is PsycINFO?

  • Content in the PsycINFO database covers 1887--present and includes over 5,400,000 records from 2,400 indexed and abstracted peer-reviewed journals.
  • PsycINFO updates twice weekly with new research and scholarship.
  • Since 1987, English-language books and chapters from books have been included.  Abstracts of dissertations are also included.

Below is a video from EBSCO's Vimeo webinar collection. Dr. Rose Sokol-Chang, Journals Publisher at the American Psychological Association, "discusses the role that APA databases can have as psychology and behavioral health researchers strive to make breakthroughs that impact today's world."

PsycINFO Guides and Tutorials

Other APA Databases