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Database Accessibility

A guide to library databases regarding accessibility

Accessibility Tools

Translate Text

Machine translation, powered by Google Translate, is available on all Britannica articles as well as journal and periodical content from EBSCO. Look for the globe icon in the main toolbar and choose a language from the menu. Please note that text within images is not translated, some features and tools may not work properly after translation, and the translation may not accurately convey the intended meaning. Britannica does not review the converted text. A Google Translate toolbar will appear on screen above the Britannica site header. To return to English, look for a “Show original" or close button on the Google Translate toolbar.

Hear Text Aloud

Computer text-to-speech is available on all Britannica articles. Look for the speaker icon in the main toolbar. An additional set of audio controls will appear on screen: play/pause, rewind (previous paragraph), fast forward (next paragraph), and close text-to-speech.

Resize Text

In-page font resizing tools are available on all Britannica articles as well as journal and periodical content from EBSCO. Look for the plus and minus signs in the main toolbar to quickly adjust the font size up or down for optimal reading.


These tools are highlighted in the screenshot below:

Get Definitions

The double-click dictionary, powered by Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate® Dictionary, is available on most content-based pages in Britannica’s site, including search results, articles, and content browses. Double-click or tap and hold on any word to see a popover containing dictionary information such as part of speech, phonetic spelling, an audio recording of pronunciation, and a short list of definitions. Click or tap the “See full definition” link to jump to a full list of the dictionary search results for the highlighted term.


Useful Resources