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Database Accessibility

A guide to library databases regarding accessibility

Accessibility and Research

Accessibility logoWelcome to the Library Database Accessibility guide. In this guide, you will find accessibility information regarding some of our most popular databases. Each database/vendor tab includes information on various accessibility features, step-by-step instructions, and general help. If you need further assistance with research and/or library accessibility, please contact us:


For general accessibility inquiries, please contact:

Accessibility Services

Phone: 386-822-7127
Fax: 386-740-6665

Accessibility Quick Guide

Need to quickly know if one of our databases has the accessibility feature you're looking for? Refer to the chart below to find a listing of select database vendors and their accessibility features:

Database/Vendor Text-to-Speech

Closed-Captioning or Transcripts

Keyboard Shortcuts Audiovisual Resources (magnify text, text and background color, reading voice, etc.) Translation
EBSCO X (HTML full-text articles)  


ProQuest   X X X (use browser settings) X (on some texts)
Credo Reference X   X   X
GALE X     X X
Britannica Academic X     X X
NewsBank X (obituaries and death notices not included)   X X  
ABC-CLIO X X   X X (not e-Books)

Navigate the tabs on the left sidebar to explore all of the accessibility features of our databases. For more details on accessibility features, including databases and vendors not included in this guide, contact a librarian.

Accessibility Resources


Check out this quick guide on how to use the SensusAccess accessibility software to convert documents into accessible formats.

Have a question? Ask a librarian! Email Call or text 386-747-9028.