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Information Literacy Instruction

Overview of information literacy instruction services available to Stetson faculty.

What is Information Literacy?

The Association of College & Research Libraries (ACRL) defines Information Literacy as: 
"the set of integrated abilities encompassing the reflective discovery of information, the understanding of how information is produced and valued, and the use of information in creating new knowledge and participating ethically in communities of learning." (2016)

Information Literacy and the Curriculum

Information literacy is a General Education Learning Outcome in these courses ((see Curriculum Map, linked below):
  • First Year Seminar
  • Writing-enhanced courses
  • Junior Seminar
  • Senior Project
Courses that may also be a good fit for information literacy instruction include research methods courses, senior research proposal courses. Research methods courses and/or capstone courses often require students to find existing literature. Students may benefit from having an IL workshop tailored to their discipline or from scheduling an individual Research Consultation.

Information Literacy Instruction

The duPont-Ball Library provides the following services to advance information literacy learning and to support students who are completing research assignments in your classes. Use the links below to request a session. Library instruction sessions are tailored to your assignment. Topics may include finding and evaluating sources, developing research strategies, using databases, and formatting citations. Please schedule at least one week in advance.
Please note: Information Literacy Instruction is intended for courses with an assignment that incorporates an information literacy or research component or courses with a relevant learning outcome (FSEM, JSEM, writing-enhanced, senior capstone). 

Information for your syllabus

Consider adding the following resources to your syllabus, assignment descriptions, or link to them in your Canvas course site. Here is a sample block of text that you are welcome to copy and paste into your syllabus:
Research librarians at the duPont-Ball Library are available to help you with all of your information needs, such as choosing a topic, using databases, finding sources, evaluating sources, and formatting citations. A librarian is “on-call” and ready to help during the following hours: Monday-Thursday 10 AM-9 PM, , Friday 10 AM-5 PM, Saturday 11 AM-6 PM, and Sunday 1 PM-9 PM. Call or text 386-747-9028 or email for immediate help. Or, set up a research consultation appointment at

Consider adding these links to your Canvas page: