The duPont-Ball Library provides the following services to advance information literacy learning and to support students who are completing research assignments in your classes. Use the links below to request a session. Library instruction sessions are tailored to your assignment. Topics may include finding and evaluating sources, developing research strategies, using databases, and formatting citations. Please schedule at least one week in advance.
Please note: Information Literacy Instruction is intended for courses with an assignment that incorporates an information literacy or research component or courses with a relevant learning outcome (FSEM, JSEM, writing-enhanced, senior capstone).
Library Instruction Request FormRequest a librarian-led presentation or workshop tailored to your class and assignment. Typically, this takes one entire class period. Please allow 1 week notice so we may prepare for the session.
Librarian IntroductionRequest a 10-minute librarian visit to your class that will include a general introduction to duPont-Ball Library services. This does not include time for hands-on activities.
Course Guide (links to examples)Request an online course research guide that highlights the most appropriate information resources & search strategies for your assignment. Link goes to a list of existing course guides.
Student Research ConsultationsIf you'd like for your students to meet with librarians for one-on-one individualized research guidance, they can fill out this form to schedule an appointment.
Learn to use ArchivesThe Archives offers instruction session on primary sources, as well a archival theory and practice. Contact Beth Maycumber,
Faculty Assignment ConsultationsWe'll help you make sure that your assignment takes advantage of the information resources your students have access to. We can also help you determine which resources are most useful for your assignments and prepare to instruct students in using them yourself.
Something ElseOur goal is to work with you to make sure students have the information literacy knowledge and skills they need to succeed during and after their time at Stetson. If you have an idea of some other way we can help you do that, let us know!