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Health Sciences

This guide includes resources for Stetson students researching topics in the health sciences.

Finding Books on Health Topics

Books on health science topics can be found in the R section on the second floor of the library. Many of the books the library owns are now accessible as ebooks, so make sure to check our online catalog in addition to the shelves.

Information on anatomy and physiology can be found in QM & QP.

From the library's homepage, you can choose to search "Everything" in Libraries Worldwide or you can limit your results to resources in one of the other five format groupings.To limit your results to books and ebooks on a topic select the Books icon and change the Libraries Worldwide drop-down to Stetson. Changing the drop-down to Stetson will limit the results to the books, ebooks, government documents and videos available in the library's collection.

Advanced Search

Another option is to select the Advanced Search screen.

  • The Search Index allows you to tell the catalog whether you want to find items that list your Search Term as a keyword, subject, author, title, or something else.
  • If you'd like to search for multiple keywords, enter each keyword into a different Search Term box. If you need more boxes, click on Add row.
  • Use the Operator drop-down box to define the relationship between each of your keywords. The 3 operators are: AND, OR, NOT. Use AND to tell the catalog that you'd like to find items that contain both of your keywords. Use OR to tell it that you'd like to find all items that contain either of your keywords. Use NOT to exclude items containing the term or terms entered.
  • Click on Limit your Search to get filters such as format, year, peer-reviewed articles, and more.
  • Click on the Stetson University checkbox to limit results to the library's catalog.

advanced search screen explained


eBook Collections

As more and more libraries acquire digital content, you will likely find eBooks in your search results. eBook content can be published more quickly than print books, and there is a trend to package conference proceedings in the eBook format. For topics found among emerging trends in technology, this means more resources are available in a timely fashion.
These are the providers of eBooks available to the Stetson community:

How to download ebook content

Have a question? Ask a librarian! Email Call or text 386-747-9028.