Cited References
The SocINDEX database allows searchers to look directly for who has cited a certain reference. You can search for a cited reference by a cited author, the cited title of a journal article or report, the cited title of a journal, a cited year, or some element in all citation fields (such as a publisher or the name of a university).
Click on More at the top of the SoxINDEX search page. Then click on Cited Reference. Type the information in the appropriate box in order to find out who (if anyone) has cited a particular author, or a particular article. For example, to see who might have cited Dr. John K. Schorr's work, type Dr. Schorr's name in the cited author box. Then click on Search.
Five results come up. To see those five results, check the box next to the ones you want to find, then click on Find Citing Articles.
Under More at the top of the SocINDEX search page is a search for Images. Click on Images, then make the selections you want, enter the search term(s) you want, then click on Search.
Also under More is a link to the database's Indexes: authors, keywords, reviews and products, etc. Click on More, then on Indexes. Choose the index you want to browse from the drop-down menu. Type in the word or phrase you want to search, then click on Browse. (See the screen shot below.)