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Mental Measurements Yearbook with Tests in Print: How to use it

Mental Measurements Yearbook or MMY contains the most recent descriptive information and critical reviews of new and revised tests.

What do the cross references mean?

In most entries, cross references are hyperlinked, so just click on the hyperlink to see the full text of references. If cross references are given for which there is no hyperlink, you may want to consult the chart of abbreviations of this Guide to know to which edition of MMY or Tests in Print you are being referred. However, be aware that the library no longer has print copies of either Mental Measurements Yearbook or Tests in Print. If you need copies of References for which no hyperlinks are given, contact a research librarian for help.

Example 1:
Cross References: See T4:2077 (15 references); for a review by Robert A. Fox, see 9:978 (6 references).

This reference sends you to Tests in Print IV, test entry number 2077 (not a page number), where there are 15 references , that is, a bibliography of 15 items about this test, and to the Ninth Mental Measurements Yearbook, test entry number 978 (not a page number), where there is a review of this test by Robert A. Fox.
Example 2:
For a review of ACER Advanced Test B40 by Harriet C. Cobb, see 9:4; see also T2:323 (6 references) and 7:328 (4 references); for a review of ACER Advanced Test B40 by C. Sanders, see 5:296 (3 references).
These notes send you to MMY edition 9 (1985), entry number 4 (note: 4 is not a page number); then to TIP 2 (1974), entry number 323, where there are 6 references and to MMY edition 7 (1974), entry number 328 where there are 4 references; and finally for a review of the test to MMY edition 5 (1959), entry number 296 where there are also 3 references. In order to understand the abbreviations and symbols used in the citations, use the following lists. The 1938 MMY is the initial edition in the series and is usually listed as The 1938 Mental Measurements Yearbook, 1938 
Abbreviation                 Title of the Printed Source
2 or MMY2          The 1940 Mental Measurements Yearbook, 1940
3 or MMY3          The Third Mental Measurements Yearbook, 1949
4 or MMY4          The Fourth Mental Measurements Yearbook, 1953
5 or MMY5          The Fifth Mental Measurements Yearbook, 1959
6 or MMY6          The Sixth Mental Measurements Yearbook, 1965
7 or MMY7          The Seventh Mental Measurements Yearbook, 1974
8 or MMY8          The Eighth Mental Measurements Yearbook, 1978
9 or MMY9          The Ninth Mental Measurements Yearbook, 1985
10 or MMY10       The Tenth Mental Measurements Yearbook, 1989
11 or MMY11       The Eleventh Mental Measurements Yearbook, 1992
12 or MMY12       The Twelfth Mental Measurements Yearbook, 1995
13 or MMY13       The Thirteenth Mental Measurements Yearbook, 1997
14 or MMY14       The Fourteenth Mental Measurements Yearbook, 2001
15 or MMY15       The Fifteenth Mental Measurements Yearbook, 2003
16 or MMY16       The Sixteenth Mental Measurements Yearbook, 2005
17 or MMY17       The Seventeenth Mental Measurements Yearbook, 2007
18 or MMY18       The Eighteenth Mental Measurements Yearbook, 2010
19 or MMY19       The Nineteenth Mental Measurements Yearbook, 2014
P or PTR             Personality Tests and Reviews, 1968
R or RTR             Reading Tests and Reviews, 1968
T1                      Tests in Print I, 1961
T2                      Tests in Print II, 1974
T3                      Tests in Print III, 1983
T4                      Tests in Print IV, 1994, 2 vols.
T5                      Tests in Print V, 1999, 2 vols.
T6                      Tests in Print VI, 2002
T7                      Tests in Print VII, 2006 

To be included in an edition of MMY,  "a test must be commercially available, be published in the English language, and be new, revised or widely used since it last appeared in the MMY series. Beginning in The Fourteenth Mental Measurements Yearbook, tests also must provide sufficient documentation supporting their technical quality to meet criteria for review." [ http://www.buros.ort/mental-measurements-yearbook ]