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Journal Rankings, Citation Counts, ResearcherID, H-index and Altmetrics

A brief guide to the basics of bibliometrics. Topics include: citation counts, journal rankings, journal metrics and altmetrics

Journal Ranking Metrics

Journal metrics use citation counts to rank journals in a discipline. Several methods have been developed to create journal rankings.
  • Journal Impact Factor - The JIF is a score representing the citation rate of the average article in a journal calculated over a two-year period.
  • CiteScore - CiteScore is the citation rate of the average article in a journal calculated over a three-year period. Unlike the JIF calculation CitesScore includes items published in the front matter of journals (editorials, letters, notes and short surveys) in the calculation of averages.
  • Eigenfactor Metrics - Eigenfactor scores use network analysis algorithms to measure the scholarly influence of a journal. Eigenfactors are calculated based on the citations received over a five year period.
  • Scimago Journal Rank -  Scimago Journal Rank (SJR) scores use the Google Page Rank algorithm to weight the importance of source journals in citation counts.
  • Source Normalized Impact per Paper - Source Normalized Impact per Paper (SNIP) scores weight citations based on the total number of citations in a subject field.