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Full Text Access

How to get to the full text of articles and books

Find Articles Using Advanced Search Options

Be sure to use Google Scholar's Advanced Search Options to get more precision in your results.

> To access Advanced Search, start by clicking the ☰ (triple bar) icon and then Advanced Search

google scholar - select advanced search

> Use the search fields to help you get results that are a better fit for your research project

google scholar advanced search options

You can also customize your searches by using various search operators. These techniques that incorporate symbols or words can help you refine your results to get more relevant resources. Find out more by clicking the link below:

Refine Results & Find the Full Text of a Document

Use the options on the left to refine your search results.

> To access the full-text of a document, look to the right of the result you want.

  • When you are have Google Scholar linked to Stetson, documents available through our library will have a Find it @ Stetson Library link. Clicking on this link takes you to OneSearch where you can click the search button to get to the full text.
  • Some results may have a link to a PDF or html document that allow you to access the document.
  • If this space is blank, you may not have free access to the document. Contact a librarian for assistance or fill out an interlibrary loan request form to request the document you need.

google scholar results page

More Resources

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