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Full Text Access

How to get to the full text of articles and books

Finding Full-Text: EBSCO

EBSCOhost Research Databases

EBSCOhost is a powerful online reference system accessible via the Internet. It offers a variety of databases from leading information providers.

The comprehensive databases range from general reference collections to specially designed, subject-specific databases for public, academic, medical, corporate and school libraries.

The way you access Full-Text in all EBSCOhost databases will be the same. Follow this step-by-step guide to find and access content.

After using a basic or advanced search, results will appear with a few ways to access full-text:

1. HTML Full Text

2. PDF Full Text

3. Find Full Text

See an example of a list of entries below:

HTML Full Text

To access the HTML format of a text, Click on the HTML Full Text link:


After clicking the HTML Full Text link, an HTML format version of the content will load. See example below:

More ways to use HTML Full Text:

PDF Full Text

To access the PDF format of a text, Click on the PDF Full Text link:


After clicking the PDF Full Text link, a PDF of the content will load in the PDF Full Text Viewer. See example below:

Now that you've opened a PDF Full Text, do you still need help navigating it? See these instructions for how to use the features of the PDF Full Text Viewer.

Find Full Text

Sometimes you will come across content that has neither HTML Full Text nor PDF Full Text. In this case, you will see a link that says Find Full Text. Using this link will help you find that particular text somewhere in the library collection, or at another institution.


After clicking on Find Full Text, you will be taken to a page that shows the full text availability for that item. You will be able to determine if the library has access to the text, in what Journal and Collection it appears, and what years are available. Clicking on the View Full-Text Links will bring you directly to the text you are seeking.


There are times when the library does not have access to the material you need. In this case, after clicking on Find Full Text in an EBSCOhost database, you may see a screen that looks something like this:


Using the PDF Full Text Viewer

The PDF Full Text Viewer allows you to view PDF full text content using a variety of features including:

  • Left Column Options
  • E-mail/Save/Print PDF Functions
Left Column Options

Under the column on the left-hand side, you can select:

  • Detailed Record – Display title, author and subject information for the current article.

  • Full Text Contents – Display article or chapter titles for the entire issue or individual monograph. Titles are hyperlinked for easy access to each article.

  • Illustrations – Display links to illustrations found in the issue.

  • Choose Another Issue – Choose another issue of the publication you are viewing by selecting a publication year and then selecting an issue you would like to view.

  • HTML Full Text - Click the HTML Full Text link to view the article in HTML format.
    Note: The HTML Full Text version may not be available for the article you are viewing.

Note: You can collapse the left and right columns and top header to expand the viewport to fit the entire browser window by clicking the control arrows found at the top of the columns.

E-mail/Save/Print PDF Functions
  • Return to the Result List - Click the Back link to return to the result list.

  • Refine Your Search Results - Click the Refine Search link to apply additional limiters and expanders to your search terms.

  • Download PDF - Click the Download PDF link to open the PDF in Adobe Reader.

  • Save to Google Drive - Click the Google Drive icon to save the article to an EBSCO folder in your personal Google Drive account.
  • Add to Folder - Click the Folder icon to add the article to the session folder. You can permanently save the article by signing into your personal MyEBSCO folder. 

  • E-mail Article - Click the E-mail icon to e-mail the PDF to yourself.

  • Cite Article - Click the Cite icon to copy a citation for your article in one of several available formats.

  • Export Article - Click the Export icon to export the article to your bibliographic management software.

PDF Viewer Top Toolbar Functions

From the Adobe Reader toolbar, you can:

  • Print the Article - Click the Printer icon to print the article.

  • Save the Article - Click the Download icon to save the PDF to your computer.

PDF Viewer Adobe Toolbar Functions

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