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Google Scholar: How to use it

Make the most of Google's search tool for scholarly sources.

Features for Faculty

Google Scholar has a number of features that are useful for faculty.

Access the following features from the ☰ (triple bar) menu:

My Profile allows you to track citations to your publications. Log in to your Google account, fill in your information, then find articles you've written to add to your profile. Now you can set preferences for updating your publications, including automatically updating your list of articles, updating metadata, merging duplicate records, etc.

My Library gives you the option to save articles for later and organize them with labels. 

Use Alerts to have new results from a search query automatically sent to your designated email address. See the Search Alerts guide for more info.

Metrics connects you with information about the impact of scholarly publications, including h5-index and h5-median. Browse journals by language and discipline. A list of citing publications is available for individual articles.

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