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Finding Music Scores

Finding printed scores (printed music) in the Library, finding digital scores, and borrowing scores from other libraries.

Scores from other libraries

In OneSearch, if limiting your search by Stetson doesn't give you the results you are looking for, change Stetson to Libraries Worldwide on the search results page. 

change Stetson limit to Libraries Worldwide


Click the title of the score you want to borrow. 

click the title of the item you want to request


Look for the green Request item through Interlibrary Loan button and click it to get to the request form.

click Request Through Interlibrary Loan

Interlibrary Loan form

Fill out the form and click submit. Librarians will find a library that will lend us the score. You will get an email when the item has arrived at the library and is ready to be picked up.

ILL form - top

ILL form - bottom