> From the library's home page select Search Journals, Magazines, Newspapers to search a specific journal or newspaper:

> Search for the title of the Journal, Magazine, or Newspaper you are looking for. Select Search:
The library has electronic access to over 12,000 business journals that cover all areas of business operations (labor, management, marketing, accounting, etc.) and industries (textiles, fashion, food, beverage, computers, manufacturing,etc.).
The Journals List provides information about the volumes, issues and years of a journal the library has access to. Some titles will be available in various formats (print or online in a library database). Print journals (2011-present) are located on the main floor arranged alphabetically by title. Print journals published before 2011 are located on the ground floor arranged alphabetically by title.
> To get to the full-text of a journal in a database, click on the journal title that corresponds to the dates of coverage needed.
In cases where a journal is only available in microform (microfiche or microfilm) ask at the front desk for assistance.