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These library databases are recommended for researching public and private companies.
Academic journals, business magazines, and newspapers, including the Wall Street Journal. Also includes country information and statistics, company profiles, industry reports and market research reports.
Business Source Premier contains full-text from the world's top management and marketing journals. Includes many leading journals in the areas of economics, finance, and accounting, as well as country economic reports.
News, business and legal sources from LexisNexis. newspapers, magazines, and some journals. Coverage includes general news topics; foreign language news; company, industry, and market news; legal news; general health topics; accounting/tax info; government topics.
Contains proprietary information about more than 40,000 public and non-public companies and 225,000 key executives. Includes industry analyses, information on a company's location, summary financials, top competitors, top officers and more.
Provides access to local and regional company news. Covering both private and public companies, Business Newsbank's cumulative monthly updates provide current full-text articles from more than 400 business journals, newspapers and wire services for all types of business research.
Search the Library's newspaper databases for current news about a company.
More than 350 newspapers, many with full-text. Coverage 1995 to present. The Major Newspapers collection includes The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post, and more.
Provides comprehensive full text for regional business publications (including titles from Crain Communications). This database has full text for more than 50 sources.
News, business and legal sources from LexisNexis. newspapers, magazines, and some journals. Coverage includes general news topics; foreign language news; company, industry, and market news; legal news; general health topics; accounting/tax info; government topics.