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Search Journals, Magazines, Newspapers list: How to use it

Find out if the Library has a particular journal by checking the journal search tool in OneSearch

Search for Journals, Magazines, Newspapers

The Search Journals, Magazines, Newspapers link (formerly known as Journals List) connects you to a database of the journals, newspapers, magazines, and other periodicals available in the Library, in both online full-text and hardcopy. 

Search Journals, Magazines, Newspapers lists the years to which the library has access to full text.  If your instructor has referred you to a particular journal title, or if you've found an article of interest in the bibliography of another source, Search Journals, Magazines, Newspapers can help you locate the article.  Click on Search Journals, Magazines, Newspapers on the library website.

  • Search Journals, Magazines and Newspapers

Search Results

On the results page, you'll be able to determine if the Library subscribes to the journal and the years available in full-text online and/or in hard copy.


Accessing full-text

Click on the hot-linked title of the full-text journal for a listing of which years and volume numbers are online.  Select the year and volume you need, after which you can select the particular issue and article desired.