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Mergent Online: How to use it

Learn how to search the Mergent Suite of Business Databases: Mergent Online, Mergent First Research, Mergent Intellect, and Mergent Key Business Ratios.

Searching Mergent Online

Mergent Online's Basic Search tab enables you to search for company information by company name or ticker symbol. You can also create lists of companies by industry code (SIC, NAICS or MIC (Mergent Industry Code) using the code look-up links for each type of industry code.

Advanced Search Screen

The Advanced Search allows you to select specific search criteria from a variety of different categories of information. The search for a list of businesses located in DeLand with less than 50 employees is shown below.

Select criteria by clicking on the gray plus sign. Once selected, your criteria appears at the bottom of the screen. Click '>>submit' then 'View' to see the list of companies that meet your criteria.

Search Results

The results contain a list of 33 companies located in Deland with fewer than 50 employees.

At the right of each results page is the My Mergent Tools function. This enables you to add the companies in the results list to the Company Analysis List or add executives to your Executive List. From the My Mergent Tools buttons you may also access the Company and Executive Alerts options.  See My Mergent Tools for more details of these.  Each page also features a link which will allow you to download the results list data into a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet.