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Mergent Online: How to use it

Learn how to search the Mergent Suite of Business Databases: Mergent Online, Mergent First Research, Mergent Intellect, and Mergent Key Business Ratios.

Citing the Mergent Databases

Journal articles and news articles retrieved from the Mergent databases are cited according to the format style guidelines you are using for your research paper. For more information see:

General Guidelines for Citing Mergent Online as a Source


If there are no authors or editors listed for the data or report you retrieved, use the MLA guidelines for citing an entire Web site. Since there are no authors or editors listed for the database use Mergent, Inc. as the corporate author, the date is the date accessed.


     Mergent, Inc. Mergent Online. DuPont-Ball LIbrary, Stetson University, 31 Oct. 2013. Web. 31 Oct. 2013.




In most cases you will use the following to cite Mergent Online as your source if you are using APA style.  APA refers to non-peer-reviewed work, such as reports, brochures, fact sheets, press releases, and newsletter articles as “gray literature.” List as many of the following elements as are available.

  • Author’s name
  • Date of publication (if there is no date, use “n.d.”)
  • Title of document (in italics)
  • A URL that will take readers directly to the source
  • Give your date of access only if the source itself has no date.


     (2013, October). Afghanistan Country Report. Retrieved October 31, 2013, from