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FSEM 100: Virtual Reality in Business and Society

Guide designed for students researching immersive technologies and their application in business and society (Fall 2023)

Finding & Using Background Information

To get started with your research process, you may need to do a little background research. This process will get you acquainted with various terms, keywords, events, dates, people, and much more related to any given topic. As you explore your topic, you will start to form ideas and questions that will be the basis of your research question or thesis.

There are several resources that you can access to get background information including:

Background Research Videos

Finding & Using Background Information, duPont-Ball Library, Stetson University (2014):

John B & Jane B work together to gather background information for a research paper.


Finding Background Information Using Britannica Academic

Finding Background Information Using Britannica Academic, duPont-Ball Library, Stetson University (2020):

Watch this video and learn how to use Britannica Academic to get background information on a research topic. This video starts on the library's website, and takes you through the various steps to access and navigate Britannica Academic.