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FSEM 100: Virtual Reality in Business and Society

Guide designed for students researching immersive technologies and their application in business and society (Fall 2023)

Literature Reviews vs. Annotated Bibliographies

Literature reviews typically include the following elements:

  • Citations for the referenced materials
  • A discussion of the materials' research purpose, methods, and findings
  • A discussion of how those findings relate to your research
  • A discussion of the differences between cited materials 
  • A discussion of the gaps created by the material referenced and how your research can close those gaps

Literature Reviews synthesize information available on a topic.

Annotated bibliography components:

  • A citation for the information source
  • A summary of the source
  • A reflection on how you think you will use the source in your project

Annotated bibliographies look at individual sources.

Be sure to review your assignment prompt and/or speak to your professor.

What is a Literature Review?

What is a Literature Review?, Joshua Vossler:

This video provides a definition and comprehensive overview of the literature review. Also explains how a literature review differs from an annotated bibliography, in that an annotated bibliography lists and evaluates sources individually, whereas a literature review is a synthesized analysis of sources.

Literature Review overviews and examples