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A broad, general full-text database that includes both popular and scholarly periodicals. It covers virtually all academic areas of study, including social sciences, sciences, and humanities.
An archive of scholarly journals. Content spans many disciplines, primarily in the humanities and social sciences. The most recent 3-5 years of journals are generally not available. JSTOR has a number of other collections to which we do not subscribe. Provided through a cooperative agreement with Stetson's College of Law Library.
Provides author, keyword, and cited reference searching to thousands of leading social sciences journals, in many cases with searchable abstracts plus links to e-journal images. One of the Web of Science databases. Coverage: 2000 - present.
A multidisciplinary database with full-text articles in the arts, business, health, medicine, history, science, technology, social sciences. Includes scholarly articles, professional publication, and magazines.
This digital collection of Japanese relocation camp newspapers record the concerns and the day-to-day life of the interned Japanese-Americans.
Although articles in these files frequently appear in Japanese, most of the papers are in English or in dual text. Many of the 25 titles constituting this collection are complete or substantially complete. Editions have been carefully collated and omissions are noted. A sampling of titles include:Rohwer Outpost, Poston Chronicle, Gila News Courier, Tulean Dispatch, Granada Pioneer, Minndoka Irrigator, Topaz Times, Manzanar Free Press, Denson Tribune, and Heart Mountain Sentinel.