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PSYC 498: Research Methods and Proposal

This page features key research resources for psychology senior researchers.

Getting Started

Scholarly articles

More Databases



Comprehensive Literature Search Tips

Try these tips to make sure you find as many sources as you can:

  • Search in subject-specific databases to find more sources from your discipline. No one database will have everything, so try searching in multiple places. 
  • Many databases use subject headings to describe the content of sources. Usually, these appear as links in the item record. Clicking on these links will lead you to more sources on the same subject. Many databases also provide a thesaurus, or index, of the subject headings used.
  • Try searching by author. Many researchers will write about the same topic for their entire career.
  • Use the bibliography from a relevant source to locate additional related sources. This is a way to look for relevant sources published prior to the one in hand. 

  • Some databases have a cited reference function that allows you to search for items that have cited a relevant source. This is a way to look for relevant sources publised since the item in hand was published. 
  • Take advantage of Interlibrary Loan to access sources that Stetson does not have.