If SciFinder does not lead you to full-text of an article you need, use the following resources to obtain it:
1. Use Interlibrary Loan to request sources that the library does not have.
Interlibrary LoanIf the library doesn't have the article you need, fill out an Interlibrary Loan request and we'll get it for you. And yes, this is free for students!
2. Need the article right away? There may be a free copy online. Use the following tools to find out. (Note that these may be pre-prints and not the final version of an article as it was published in the journal.)
Google Scholar This link opens in a new windowGoogle Scholar searches academic publishers, professional societies and pre-print archives. Library Links set to Stetson Library.
Endnote Click (formerly Kopernio)Endnote Click is a browser plugin that finds the best available PDF of an academic article while you browse. Behind the scenes EndNote Click will search open databases and (where possible) your university's subscriptions to find the best version of the paper for you.
Institutional RepositoriesFind out which university the article's author is affiliated with, then check that university's library website to see they have an institutional repository. You can search the institutional repository to see if the author submitted their work to it.
Academic Social NetworksSometimes, researchers may post copies of their work on academic social networks such as ResearchGate.net or Academia.edu.