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MFA Program Guide

This guide was created to support the MFA Program at Stetson University.


Our theme for June 2022 is MOVIMIENTO.

When we write, something comes into motion. When we write together, is that movimiento? Writing, like all creative practices, has a durational quality; there is so much we write through: from beginnings to endings, landscapes, plots, genres, languages, and mediums. How do borders (real and imagined) challenge or direct these movements? And while certain movements are still limited because of a global pandemic, this same disruption has encouraged other movements: toward what is truly important for each of us, away from what we could no longer tolerate. That last phrase moved into this description from an email by MFA faculty member Jennine Capó Crucet, who also suggests that movimiento may be pointing toward the idea that the only place where we can move freely is in our writing.

Movimiento: how many ways can we move?  We will be exploring these ideas and more during our June 2022 virtual residency.  

Alex Bajayo

I think some things that would be of interest, to me at least, would be making complex characters, the portrayal of psychiatric disorders/mental illness, and worldbuilding cultures down to the finest detail. Admittedly some of this would edge into history, sociology, psychology, etc., but for the work I plan to do it's quite relevant. I'm still working to make characters that are understandable and can be rooted for, and with my big plan being to ultimately make a massive encyclopedia of a future-time period setting, the others are of importance.



Andrea Ellis-Perez

something in the realm of magical realism, specifically in the Americas.

Here are some excellent sources from ProQuest Research!

Arkee Brown

Arkee Brown

Bre'Anna Bivens

With short stories, poems, dreams, etc., these traumas at the whims of my dissociative amnesia, have become a wonderland of confabulations. The narrator or the voice of this body of work then, I aim to be unreliable and omniscient because I, myself, have often been a stranger and visitor to my own experiences. By weaving biomythography and rememory to transfigure the myths of traumas I’ve forced myself to forget, I will transform them into something as tangible as language.

Park, Crystal L., and Joyce B. Carol. "Disclosing Trauma through Writing: Testing the Meaning-Making Hypothesis." Cognitive Therapy and Research, vol. 26, no. 5, 2002, pp. 597-616. ProQuest,, doi:

David (Shaun) Smith

"Is it vain to claim that I am the greatest poet to ever live, or would I be misunderstood?"
Humans are intrinsically vain, and Vanity must be used to counter this overwhelming notion. My experiences dealing with Vanity will be recorded, and I will explore how others have displayed it throughout their lives. I will ask questions while providing my own answers in vain. I will examine rewards and consequences and provide insight into the vain human experience. Vanity is something that cannot be​ ignored or avoided.



Desiree N Ascevich

My primary focus this semester will be on world building. The world I’m working on is a fantasy world, with magical elements as well as a steampunk aesthetic, so I could always use some help with the mechanics and tech typically found in steampunk stories. I’m also attempting to build a style of magic that is styled after Nordic runes, so any help there would be great!

Steaming into a Victorian Future : A Steampunk Anthology. by                 Taddeo, Julie Anne, and Cynthia J Miller. Scarecrow Press, 2013.  

Brummett, Barry, editor. Clockwork Rhetoric : The Language and Style of Steampunk. University Press of Mississippi, 2014.


Goho, James. “Retruthing Steampunk : Caitlín R. Kiernan Rewrites American West Steampunk.” Extrapolation, vol. 59, no. 2, 2018, pp. 163–184.


Antonsen, Elmer H. A Concise Grammar of the Older Runic Inscriptions. M. Niemeyer, 1975.




Nordic runes

Dimitri McCloghry

my intended thesis topic concerns lyrical intensity in poetry

Dona Baby

I would like to explore on visual/video poetry performance along with visual poetry this semester. 

And I'm looking for reading resource/ suggestions in these areas. 

  1. video/sound editing 
  1. performance poetry 
  1. visual poetry (especially in experimental/innovative form + available essays/ studies on this area)
  1. experimental poetry (text & visual + other experimental works in art)
  1. Books on innovative forms in poetry + art. 

Video and sound editing: 


visual poetry 
Bohn, Willard. Reading Visual Poetry. Rowman & Littlefield Pub. Group, 2010.


Bradford, Richard. Graphic Poetics : Poetry As Visual Art. Continuum International Pub. Group, 2011.


Novak, Julia. Live Poetry. : An Integrated Approach to Poetry in Performance. Editions Rodopi, 2011. 


Hannah Walls

I would like to research social media, the beauty industry, and how these play a part in the patriarchy. I would love to find any works discussing any combination of these topics. Thank you, and I look forward to the residency and workshop!

Kosut, Mary, editor. Encyclopedia of Gender in Media. SAGE Publications, 2012. 


Goren, Lilly J. You've Come a Long Way, Baby : Women, Politics, and Popular Culture. University Press of Kentucky, 2009.


Ahmed-Ghosh, Huma, editor. Asian Muslim Women : Globalization and Local Realities. State University of New York Press, 2015.


Smith, Charles. Female Subjectivities in African Literature. Handel Books, 2015.


Beauty: Exploring Critical Perspectives by Pierre Wilhelm 

Description: The emergence of unconventional metaphors of beauty calls on us to pay attention to competing and seemingly intractable connotations of fear, darkness, ugliness, oppression, repression, callousness and dejection that won't leave us indifferent to their appeal.


Hudson C Devoe

A current area of interest, related to my thesis, is the historiography of US expansion, with a focus on the US West. I'm interested in how the narrative has shifted over time. I'm also interested in reactions to these shifts, attempts to re-center a more "traditional" historical narrative.

Cayton, Mary Kupiec, and Peter W Williams. Encyclopedia of American Cultural & Intellectual History. Scribner, 2001.


Schrag, Zachary M. The Princeton Guide to Historical Research. Princeton University Press, 2021.


Hurtado, Albert L. Herbert Eugene Bolton : Historian of the American Borderlands. University of California Press, 2012.


Frymer, Paul. Building an American Empire : The Era of Territorial and Political Expansion. Princeton University Press, 2017.


Jessica Green

 I am interested in topics/themes like cognitive stimulation, overstimulation, the effects of subliminal messages in media, and perfectionism. I haven't figured out how I plan to work with these yet, but they are some themes I've been exploring. My goal is to develop a thesis topic that will relate to a mental health dilemma of some sort. 


Video called "Programming the Nation? The History of Subliminal Messaging in America"

results for keyword "subliminal messages" media.

Katelynn (Cas) Campbell

my final thesis is going to be based on biblical mythology and is overall fantasy themed!

Schwartz, Howard. Tree of Souls : The Mythology of Judaism. Oxford University Press, 2004.


Hatina, Thomas. Biblical Interpretation in Early Christian Gospels, 2 : The Gospel of Matthew. Continuum International Pub. Group, 2008.


Graves, Robert, et al. Hebrew Myths : The Book of Genesis. RosettaBooks, 2014.


Keith Holmes

I'm interested in a thesis about "the necessity of villains/evil in fiction and the forms that evil takes". I wrote an essay in undergrad about the same topic pertaining to Faust. I like the idea of asking why an antagonist needs to exist from a craft perspective. Or if the antagonist is even "evil". 

I'm also interested in the overall effects of familial trauma and the validity of personal experience. These themes are prevalent in both my fiction and creative non-fiction. 

Effects of familial trauma and validity of personal experience:.

Lindsay Granduke

my area of study is the Bluebeard fairytale and its variations, either in literature or in pop culture. My current project is a feminist, gothic re-telling of the original tale and is also highly inspired by Angela Carter's "The Bloody Chamber."

Gale Lit Resource Center results for Angela Carter's "The Bloody Chamber." 


Quintina (Quin) Killings

My area of interest is to write poems outside of my identities with a meaningful impact (i.e., being race, sexuality, ethnicity, religion, etc.). So to put into simpler terms, my thesis would be emotional relatability outside of marginalization. 

Marissa Rodriguez

One of my ideas, or areas of interest, was exploring how to make a female horror movie villain just as scary as any male slasher and what that entails or what that would look like. I also just like writing thrillers, mysteries, and horror. However, I've yet to really delve into the world of fiction, as most of my writing courses were centered around non-fiction, so I'd really like to write an actual story that is entirely my own.

Stephen King in the New Millennium : Gothic Mediations on New Writing Materialities by Despoina N. Feleki 

Female Aggression by Helen Gavin  and Theresa Porter


Gender and Contemporary Horror in Television by Steven Gerrard,   Samantha Holland,  and Robert Shail 
Top of Form


Sara Doty

Florida environmental issues 

Tya Saunders

I would like to do more research on Black horror authors. I'm looking more into fiction and I also want to see if there are some black horror poets or anything that has a mixture of both.

Horror Fiction in the 20th Century: Exploring Literature's Most Chilling Genre Jess Nevins
Of particularly relevance: Chapter 15 Outsiders Writing Horror

Searching for Sycorax : Black Women's Hauntings of Contemporary Horror

Kinitra D. Brooks and Kinitra Brooks

Landscapes of Monstrosity
by László Munteán , and Hans Christian Post

Victoria Aldea-Smith

Exploring culture and "the other" in contemporary literature.


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