Industrial classification codes (SIC and NAICS) are used to organize industry data and documents into broad topical areas. IBISWorld, Mergent Online, Mergent First Research, Mergent Intellect, ABI/INFORM and Business Source Premier databases have industry code look-up functions. The look-up functions allow you to search code descriptions by keyword, then select classifications codes from a list.
Several library databases provide industry code look-up functions which allow you to search the NAICS or SIC code descriptions by keyword and select codes from drop-down lists.
Industry code searches enable you to:
- limit search results to a specific industry
- locate companies within an industry
- find industry overviews, analysis reports, statistics, forecasts and market trends
Industry codes also define broad topical areas such as a management function, a market, or an organization type. For example, the NAICS code 1300 covers international trade and foreign investment. Code 1500 covers energy and the environment. In the "advanced search" feature of the ABI/INFORM business database, clicking on “Look up classification codes” will open a list of broad categories and nested sub-categories. Check boxes are provided to limit your search results to specific industries, markets or management functions.