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German History

Resources for finding primary documents & other materials related to German history.

Find primary sources in OneSearch

Primary sources may also be found in books. Use OneSearch to find books at the duPont-Ball Library, as well as books from libraries worldwide that can be requested through Interlibrary Loan. Try doing a keyword search for your topic and add the type of source you're looking for as a second keyword, such as:

correspondence manuscripts speeches
diaries narratives letters
interviews sources documents

Primary Sources in Books

Books on the history of Germany have call numbers beginning with DD. This section is located on the top floor of the library. A sample of call number ranges is listed in the chart below:

History of Germany DD1-905
19th-20th Centuries DD201-257.4
New Empire, 1871-1918 DD217-231
World War I, 1914-1918 DD228.8
Hitler, 1933-1945. National Socialism DD253-256.8
World War II, 1939-1945 DD256
Period of Allied Occupation DD257-257.4

Sample of Books available at the duPont-Ball Library

Sample of books from the catalog that are or may include primary source documents.