What to know about borrowing items from the library
Email: The library emails overdue notices and replacement bills to your Stetson email account.
Renewals: If you need to keep an item past its due date, email libadmin@stetson.edu
Replacement fees: The library doesn’t charge overdue fines but we do charge replacement fees for long overdue items. Depending on the cost of the item, the replacement bill could be between $25 and $1350.
Bills: If you have a bill on your account and you return the item, we will cancel the bill. If you return the item 1 year after the due date, we cannot cancel the bill.
Unpaid bills: If you don’t return an item or pay your bill, the library will place a hold on your student account at the Registrar’s Office. You will not get a copy of your transcripts until you resolve the matter.