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ABI INFORM: How to Search It

A guide to searching, viewing, printing and saving content provided by Proquest's ABI INFORM database, one of the library's premier business resources.

Advanced Search Screen

search page

The Advanced Search is recommended. Here you can choose specific fields to be searched by clicking on the drop-down menus adjacent to the search boxes.  

advanced search screen

More helpful ways to limit the results of your search

Limit your search.  Search results can be limited in a variety of ways. On the left-hand side of the results page under Narrow results you may select sources by type (trade journals, newspapers, wire feeds, scholarly journals, or magazines). Sources may also be selected by title (Wall Street Journal, PR Newswire, etc.), document type, keyword, classification, company, location, date, and more.

Notice in the example pictured below:

  • By selecting the Advanced Search you can click on a link to the Thesaurus. Notice the exact subject heading for the Patient Protection Act was selected from the Thesaurus. This will ensure that the results list will contain articles where the Patient Protection Act is the mail focus of the article.
  • In the Narrow results pane, Scholarly Journals was selected to limit the results list to articles published in scholarly journals.
  • Results are sorted by Relevance. Use the drop-down menu to sort results by date.

Results can be exported to your Refworks account. See the RefWorks Research Guide to set up an account.

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