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ABI INFORM: How to Search It

A guide to searching, viewing, printing and saving content provided by Proquest's ABI INFORM database, one of the library's premier business resources.

Finding Company & Industry Information

  • Company/OrganizationPerson, and Location are part of the subject field search. They are defined as types of subjects and can be located by searching the subject field, but also are indexed separately and in addition to the subject as specific subject types. When a subject from a record happens to be a company or organization, a person, or a location, you will find a separate indexed subject field for these types. Subjects are also known as descriptors, subject headings, controlled vocabulary and sometimes classification terms. The subjects in ABI/INFORM are pulled from the ProQuest Thesaurus.       
  • Classification codes are used to organize documents into broad topical areas. You can use them to find documents about a business environment, management function, industry or market, article treatment, geographic areas, and organizational types. Each record in ABI/INFORM is assigned to one or more classification codes. Use the look up link next the to Classification code search box to browse the topical areas and add them to your search.
  • The Product name limit will search the product name field and this is indexed in an ABI/INFORM record when the article is about a product. This field may be selected from the drop-down menu shown below. Product names can also be looked up in the Thesaurus by clicking on "Show more fields." 

FAQ's on finding specialized business reports

  • International Industry Reports
  • North American Industry Reports
  • Market Research
  • SWOT Analysis
  • Global Commodity Trends
  • Annual Reports
  • Gross Domestic Product Data
  • Country Economic and Business Forecasts
  • Global Business Intelligence 
  • Strategic and Policy Analysis