Mapping the chaos: Building a research practice with threshold concepts in studio art disciplines.
Peterson, A. (2017). Mapping the chaos: Building a research practice with threshold concepts in studio art disciplines. In S. Godbey, S.B. Wainscott, and X. Goodman (Eds.), Disciplinary Applications of Information Literacy Threshold Concepts (pp. 317-328). Chicago: ACRL.
[Abstract from chapter text] In this chapter, I explore the role of the academic art library, whose patrons express thinking, learning, and knowledge as visual art objects. A case study illustrates how the threshold concept Searching as Strategic Exploration from the ACRL Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education, along with other theoretical concepts and institutional goals, shape the integration of information literacy concepts into courses in studio art disciplines. I argue that librarians must assume a leading role in helping studio art students build research practices that inform and enrich their artistic practices, and in answering the question: What constitutes an information-literate artist? (p. 317)