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HIST 363: Political Campaigns and Cultural Ideologies in Recent US History

This guide describes databases, search tools, and library services that support research in Dr. Croce's History 363 course.

Adding Sources to RefWorks

After logging into RefWorks:

1. Select Tools from the top menu

2. Select Tools from the drop-down menu

3. Under Save references on the web, select Install Save to RefWorks

4. Drag the Save to RefWorks button into your browser's favorites bar. Now you are ready to save websites to your RefWorks account.

5. When you find a website you'd like to save, click on the Save to RefWorks button installed on your browser. This opens a RefWorks pane inside the browser window. Verify that RefWorks is capturing all the information you need about the site, then click Save to RefWorks at the bottom of the pane.

6. When the site has successfully been added to your RefWorks, a confirmation message appears. You can select View in RefWorks to see your imported entry.


The entry should look similar to the one below:

Many databases have a link that allows you to export references to RefWorks with one click. Below is a guide to locating the RefWorks link in several popular databases, after you've found & clicked on a source you'd like to save.

Database Location of RefWorks Link

Upper right-hand corner of page, click the All Options icon. Look for Citation Export and select RefWorks 

JSTOR Upper right-hand corner of page, click Citethen Export to RefWorks
Web of Science Top of page, click Save to Other File Formats, then Save to RefWorks
Nexis Uni Upper right-hand corner of page, click icon that looks like blue & white open book, then Export
Science Direct Select article you would like to export, click Export at the top of the results pagethen Save to RefWorks
Access World News Top of page, click Export, then Export Citation to RefWorks
EbscoHost Right-hand side of page under Tools, click Export, then Direct Export to RefWorks, then Save
Google Scholar Underneath each source in the search results list, click on Cite then RefWorks

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