Before you can find primary sources, you have to know what they are. This 4 minute video explains the difference.
To recap:
A primary source proves direct, first-hand evidence of an event, an object, or a person. Primary sources provide facts about an event or time period.
A secondary source is an analysis, evaluation, or interpretation of an event or time period. They interpret or analyze the primary source material.
Here are some examples of primary and secondary sources for History papers and projects:
Autobiography, letters, memoir, diary written by an individual
A biography about an individual
Transcript of a presidential speech
Newspaper commentary about a presidential speech
Text of a court decision
Book that analyzes the court decision
A description a protest march by a participant or someone who witnessed it
Journal article that analyzes events that led up to the march and the impact of the event
An official government record and publication
A blog post that gives an analysis or commentary about a government publication