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Music Performance: Voice

Music scores, recordings, articles, and research materials for performance majors, emphasizing voice

Sound Recordings in the Library

The Library has a collection of commercial compact discs and LPs (vinyl), all of which may be checked out.  In addition, there is a collection of Stetson Recitals (beginning in 2000) archived on compact discs and available for in-library use only. The Front Desk has external cd drives you may check out for two hours. LPs may be checked out and the library also has a record player that may be borrowed and used in the library.


CDs.  Ask at the Front Desk. Call numbers begin with CDISC followed by a number.

Stetson Recitals.  Ask at the Front Desk. Call numbers start with the year of the recital performance.

LPs. Located in stacks on first floor after the MT call number section. Call numbers begin with REC followed by a number.  They are shelved in numerical order.

Start with OneSearch

In OneSearch, enter a keyword or title, select Stetson Collections Only, and choose Music (audio) from dropdown menu . Then click the search icon.

Search results

The results include several types of audio, including Music CD, eMusic, and Music LP.  Click Listen to audio to hear the music from one of our audio databases.

results for Music in OneSearch

Finding an LP or a CD in the library

To filter to LPs only, click the selection on the left as shown below.

Results filtered to LPs


To add in CDs, click Music CD to see those results.

limit to LPs and CDs