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Choosing a Major & Career Resources

Overview of library resources that may be helpful in choosing your major or finding career resources



The duPont-Ball Library is here to help with your career research process! All current Stetson affiliates can take advantage of specialized databases, websites, and books to help search for:

Choosing a major or career

  • Which degree programs and career paths are out there for me?

Job hunting

  • How do I find openings for internships or jobs?
  • How do I learn about a company, specific industry, and beyond?

Preparing for grad school

  • Interested in going to graduate school or earning a professional certification as part of your career path? Search study books and take practice tests (online) for popular graduate or industry-specific exams. 

Other Resources

Use the tabs on the left of the page for information on each topic. Ask a librarian questions about accessing or using the resources on this page, but visit the Career & Professional Development page for specialized assistance related to choosing a major or career. 

Remember, librarians can help you with your research.