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Specialized reference sources such as these provide information similar to what you'd find in a Wikipedia page, but are usually written by an author with expertise, are intended for an academic audience, and may be more detailed than a general encyclopedia would be. Remember, encyclopedias are best used as a starting point for your research and should not be used in place of a scholarly source.
A starting point for research and learning that offers unlimited access to hundreds of full text reference books on every subject. Includes encyclopedias, dictionaries, thesauri and books of quotations.
Explore tens of thousands of articles, videos, primary sources and journals/periodicals. Browse popular topics, news, biographies, and more! This is a great resource for getting research started or getting more acquainted with a particular topic.
Contains over 100 dictionary, language reference, and subject reference works published by Oxford University Press. Also includes the Oxford Companions Series.
The library also has many specialized encyclopedias available as e-books and print books. Find an encyclopedia that matches your course or your research interests to find background information on your topic. Not sure what your topic is yet? Browsing an encyclopedia can also be a great way to look for ideas.
A sample of gender studies encyclopedias is provided below. Use OneSearch to find more.