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Aquatic & Marine Biology

A research guide for students researching in Aquatic & Marine Biology.


Welcome to the Aquatic and Marine Biology research guide! This guide provides information about the resources available at the duPont-Ball Library and on the web related to marine biology.

It covers search tips for finding books, eBooks, journal articles, and other materials.

The library also provides research services to help you find and use the information you need.

Photo credit: "Blue Springs" by Don Richards. Used under the CC-BY 2.0 License.

Best Bets to Find Articles on Aquatic and Marine Biology

Find books, articles, videos, and more with OneSearch

1. Limit to a particular type of information source before searching or search All Items.
2. Select Stetson Collections Only if you you want to limit to items accessible through our library.

Quick Overviews of Biological Abstracts and ScienceDirect

Subject-specific databases can help you find journal articles relevant to your discipline.