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Industrial classification codes (SIC and NAICS) are used to organize industry data and documents into broad topical areas. IBISWorld, Mergent Online, Mergent First Research, Mergent Intellect, ABI/INFORM and Business Source Premier databases have industry code look-up functions. The look-up functions allow you to search code descriptions by keyword, then select classification codes from a list.
Several library databases provide industry code look-up functions which allow you to search the NAICS or SIC code descriptions by keyword and select codes from drop-down lists.
Industry code searches enable you to:
Industry codes serve to define broad topical areas such as a management function, an industry, a market, or an organization type. For example, NAICS Code 5418 covers Advertising, Public Relations, and Related Services. In the ABI/INFORM business database, clicking on “Look up classification codes” will open a list of broad categories and nested sub-categories. Check boxes are provided to limit your search results to specific industries, markets or management functions.
Detailed descriptions and historical information about the SIC and NAICS industrial classification systems can be found on the website at
Mergent Market Atlas, formerly Mergent Online, is an Internet-based suite of information resources that enables in-depth business and financial research. This state-of-the-art product provides Internet-based access to the most detailed, accurate and comprehensive global company database available, with the latest in features and functions.
Academic journals, business magazines, and newspapers, including the Wall Street Journal. Also includes country information and statistics, company profiles, industry reports and market research reports.
A full-text database of U.S. and Global industry market research reports.
Business Source Premier contains full-text from the world's top management and marketing journals. Includes many leading journals in the areas of economics, finance, and accounting, as well as country economic reports.
Mergent First Research Industry Reports can be located by entering a NAICS code, an SIC code, or by browsing the classification code lists provided and selecting an industry class from the list.
In the example below the SIC 3944 classification, 'Toy and game, manufacturing' was selected from the alphabetical browse list.
Select the industry code radio button for the classification system you want to look up, then click on the 'use code look-up' link to browse the industry classes. Click on the '+' next to a class to open sub-categories. By selecting a classification from the list (or by entering a known code number) Mergent Online produces a list of private and public companies operating in the industry selected.
The industry code look-ups can be seen by clicking on 'Advanced Search.' You can either search for industry codes by keyword or browse the list of nested code descriptions by clicking on the link shown below. Using industry codes limits your search results to information pertaining to the industries selected.