Bibliography of music literature providing broad international coverage.
Cross searchable database of music reference sources that allows the user to search the following titles simultaneously: African American Music Reference, Classical Music Reference Library, The Garland Encyclopedia of World Music Online, and Classical Scores Library. The subscription is limited to 3 simultaneous users.
An archive of scholarly journals. Content spans many disciplines, primarily in the humanities and social sciences. The most recent 3-5 years of journals are generally not available. JSTOR has a number of other collections to which we do not subscribe. Provided through a cooperative agreement with Stetson's College of Law Library.
In OneSearch on the library website, choose Books. Change keyword to Subject, type in organ musical instrument (NOTE: this is a specific subject heading used in OneSearch to avoid results about the word organ in other contexts). Change Libraries Worldwide to Stetson and click on the search icon.
Search results include books and eBooks on organ, the musical instrument.
To browse the library shelves, click on title of entry, then scroll to the bottom of the page to 'Browse the Shelf'.
To find articles using OneSearch, click Articles, change Keyword to Subject, type in organ musical instrument, change Libraries Worldwide to Stetson, and click the search icon. OneSearch includes articles from journals, newspapers, and magazines from all subject areas and interests. You will find many articles on organs here but may find more focused and relevant information by searching Music specific databases.
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