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NexisUni (formerly LexisNexis): How to use it

This guide is prepared for Stetson students. It explains how to access and use the Library's NexisUni proprietary database.

About Nexis Uni

With thousands of news, legal, and business sources, Nexis Uni helps you find credible sources, including:

  • Print and online journals, television and radio broadcasts, newswires, and blogs
  • Local, regional, national and international newspapers with deep archives
  • Legal sources for federal and state cases and statutes, including U.S. Supreme Court decisions since 1790
  • Business information on more than 80 million U.S. and international companies and more than 75 million executives

Use this guide to help you navigate and efficiently use Nexis Uni. Remember, librarians can help you with your research. 

Accessing Nexis Uni on the Web

You must be connected to Stetson's Network in order to access the NexisUni database or any of the Library's subscription databases. If you are not working from a campus-connected computer, please see Instructions for Library Access from Off Campus. From the library's homepage, select the 'Databases' tab. A link to NexisUni is listed in the Business category or you can find it in the Browse Databases by Title list.

Nexis Uni Content Coverage

Access Disclosure
America's Corporate Finance Directory
Experian Business Reports
Hoover's Company Records
CoreData US Institutional Database
Nelson's Public Company Profiles
Standard & Poor's Corporate Register

Mergerstat Review (Mergers and acquisitions activity)
Hoover's Industry Snapshots
Bankruptcy DataSource
Company directories from around the world
Hundreds of industry and trade periodicals

General News Topics: More than 20 years of news

Today's News: Today's news from selected news sources from around the world

US News: Newspaper, wire & transcript articles & selected articles about each state

World News: News from U.S. & international sources

Wires: Wire service reports

Transcripts: Television & radio news broadcasts

Arts & Sports: Reviews, entertainment & sports news

Campus: Chronicle of Higher Education & student newspapers

Foreign Language News: Spanish, French,German, Russian, Portuguese, Dutch, Italian, Turkish, Danish, Arabic, Finnish, Czech, and more.

NexisUni contains the world's largest collection of legal and public-records related information including U.S. federal and state statutes and laws, federal and state cases, and opinions. NexisUni also covers statutes, case judgements and opinions for France, Australia, Canada, Hong Kong, South Africa and the United Kingdom.

Law Reviews: Articles from law reviews

Get a Case: Federal & state legal cases

Federal Case Law: Decisions from all federal court levels

State Case Law: State high court & appellate decisions

Area of Law by Topic: Cases on a variety of topics

Federal Code: Federal code, U.S. Constitution & court rules

Federal Regulations: Federal regulations, agency opinions & US Attorney General Opinions

State Codes: Statutory laws, court rules from all states & Attorneys General opinions from all states

EU Law (CELEX): European Union law

Tax Law: The IRS Bulletin, tax regulations & more

Patents: All U.S. patents from 1971 to present

Patent Class: Patent Numbers By Classification

Patent Manual: Manual of Classification

Martindale-Hubbell Law Directory Listings: Details on more than 900,000 lawyers & law firms around the world

Law School Directories: Details on over 250 U.S. schools

Choosing a Law School: NALP's Degrees of Difference

SEC Form 8-K (Significant Events)
SEC Form 10-Q (Quarterly Reports)
SEC Form 20-F (Registration statement)
SEC Annual Reports to Shareholders
SEC Online Database
SEC Proxy Statements
SEC Exhibits
Form 4 (Statement of changes in beneficial ownership of securities)
Form 144 (Notice of proposed sale of securities)
SEC Prospectuses
SEC Registration Statements

Helpful Resources