These icons are used in the A to Z database list. This list provides more detail about what each icon indicates.
Contains audio or streaming music.
Resource is a register of all bibliographic items found in a library or group of libraries.
Contains electronic books.
Free Resource
Free website or online resource available to anyone aywhere.
Includes the entire text of sources.
Government Documents
Includes government publications.
Contains images or artwork
Contains multimedia content such as streaming video.
Contains newspaper articles or news transcripts.
Niche Academy Tutorial
Click on the icon to connect to a tutorial about this resource or research tool.
Open Access
Contains articles published using an open access model. Open access makes research information available to readers at no cost, as opposed to a subscription model in which readers have access to scholarly information by paying a subscription (usually via libraries).
Restricted to Stetson Users
Resources paid for by Stetson Library. Login required from off-campus. On campus Wi-Fi users need to connect using Stetson Student or Stetson Faculty/Staff network.