Here are some Research Guides with information about citing and managing your research resources.
For articles on Public Health and the environment:
Includes links to Stetson Full Text. Abstracts of biomedical literature from MEDLINE, life science journals, and online books from 1946 to present, with selected coverage back to 1809. From the US National Library of Medicine.
Life science and biomedical research literature with international coverage from more than 4,000 journals as far back as 1926, Concurrently searches the Biological Abstracts back files (1926-1968) and the current files (1969-present).
For articles on Public Health policy:
Business Source Premier contains full-text from the world's top management and marketing journals. Includes many leading journals in the areas of economics, finance, and accounting, as well as country economic reports.
Comprehensive collection of historic and current congressional information, including bills & laws, hearings, CRS reports, committee prints, reports, and the Congressional Record. Congressional Documents (1789-Present), Congressional Hearings (1824-Present), Congressional Record (1873-1997), Congressional Research Reports (1916-2003), Serial Set (1789-Present), Serial Set Maps (1789-1969).
The CQ Magazine is a resource for Congress-watchers who need nonpartisan information on Capitol Hill. It includes full text of articles published since 1983. Browse issues or search for articles using words, dates, subjects , etc.
Designed to educate professionals and the public by providing an impartial view of controversial issues in Congress.
For articles on Public Health and society:
A sociology research database with full-text for many journals dating back to 1895.
A collection of thousands of U.S. and global news sources.
Covers hot-topic social issues, from Offshore Drilling to Climate Change, Health Care to Immigration. Provides informed, differing views on each side of an issue.
Statistics and Data
Statistics and studies gathered by market researchers, trade organizations, scientific publications, and government sources on over 600 industries.
JOURNALS LIST is a database of the journals (i.e. periodicals) available in the Library, in both online full-text and hardcopy. JOURNALS LIST also tells you how far back a journal is held and whether there is an embargo (not available) for the most recent year for a full-text journal. If your instructor has referred you to a particular article, or if you've found an article of interest in the bibliography of another article--or book--JOURNALS LIST is your next stop to locate the article. Click on JOURNALS LIST at the top of the Library's homepage.