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SOBA 205: Professional Communications (Fall 2020)

This guide seeks to help students make the best of library resources for SOBA 205 classes.

Search Tips

Did you get too many search results? Try this:
Add additional keywords- (ex: workplace AND listening AND skills)
Choose more specific search terms- (ex: business AND DeLand instead of business AND central Florida)
Exclude words from your search results- (ex: Apple NOT fruit)
Use search filters­- limit by source type, date of publication, language, subject, & more.
Choice of database- select a database with a narrower scope of subject matter
Search by subject- search for your terms as a subject instead of as a keyword
Didn't get enough search results? Try this:
Choice of keywords- choosing the right keywords is key. Try experimenting with different terms. (ex: Work OR job OR career OR workplace)
Too narrow topic- try looking for sources on a broader, related topic (ex: business AND Florida instead of business AND DeLand)
Too many search terms- begin with 1-2 search terms that best represent your topic, then add more as needed. Avoid long phrases.
Too many search filters- avoid using any filters that are unnecessary
Choice of database- select a database with a broader scope of subject matter
Use wildcard & truncation symbols*#? Allow you to search for multiple spellings of a term


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