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Classical Studies

A guide to research tools for Classical Studies

Encyclopedias and Dictionaries

Encyclopedias provide background information on research topics. Below are a few we recommend for beginning your research on classical studies.

Why use encyclopedias and other reference works?

Consider using encyclopedias and other reference sources when you begin researching a topic. Some encyclopedias will provide more in-depth information than others, but any general encyclopedia is a good source to consult for background information of your chosen subject area. Most encyclopedias provide the following:

  • Main concepts, including names, dates, places
  • Keywords and subject terms related to topic
  • Lists of related articles or additional resources

Accessing Online Resources

You must be connected to Stetson's Network in order to access any of the electronic materials referenced in this guide. If you are not working from a campus-connected computer, you will have to enter the network through a proxy server. The link below will provide instructions for Library Access from Off Campus.

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